segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010

The Second Semester Is Always The Best One.

And it's all because of NFL.
NFL is the national football league (see ? NFL. Haha) from USA. Most of people who can read this blog probably already knows this. But for those of you who don't, that's what it is. And it's the best thing in the whole year. I seriously wait since February till August for it. Eagerly.
But the thing is, I don't have ESPN here in São Paulo (I know, it hurts me every day). And every day that I go to Campinas, either there's no game or it's something like Chiefs at. Rams. Seriously. And this weekend specially it'll be Giants at Colts. I mean, COME ON! It's freaking GIANTS VS. COLTS! It's Eli Manning vs. Peyton Manning. Which is the COOLEST thing ever! They're brothers (and I love both of them - though Eli really is the love of my life). And I have to come back to Sampa on Sunday, since I hate my drawing classes from Monday (which means that I've missed many of them over the past few months). Life is so unfair.
So. I just came here to cry a little bit. I think I'll watch a movie now. Hopefully I'll be all up and about in the morning. I can't miss the first class I have on Tuesdays. Haha, I'm so proud of myself.
I just wonder how I'll be able to keep a journal and a blog at the same time.


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